Shorthand For Mac

Support for Emmet snippets and expansion is built right into Visual Studio Code, no extension required. Emmet 2.0 has support for the majority of the Emmet Actions including expanding Emmet abbreviations and snippets.

Shorthand is suitable for 32-bit versions of Windows XP/7/8/10. The most popular versions of the Shorthand are 10.1, 10.0 and 0.9. Sh10.exe and shorthand.exe are the most frequent filenames for this program's installer. For MAC we have found 500 definitions.; What does MAC mean? We know 500 definitions for MAC abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible MAC meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully. MAC Stands For: All acronyms (1169) Airports & Locations (8) Business & Finance (18) Common (1) Government & Military. Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: MABSTOA - MABT - MABTS - MABTW - MABUS - Mac (k) - MAC-TIME - MACA - MACABA - MACAM. Shorthand is a system of writing that uses symbols to represent letters, words, or phrases. Writing with shorthand symbols allows you to write at a quicker speed than traditional handwriting. You will soon learn that shorthand is also used by many professionals, in places such as law courts. There is more than one type of shorthand writing.

How to expand Emmet abbreviations and snippets

Emmet abbreviation and snippet expansions are enabled by default in html, haml, pug, slim, jsx, xml, xsl, css, scss, sass, less and stylus files, as well as any language that inherits from any of the above like handlebars and php.

When you start typing an Emmet abbreviation, you will see the abbreviation displayed in the suggestion list. If you have the suggestion documentation fly-out open, you will see a preview of the expansion as you type. If you are in a stylesheet file, the expanded abbreviation shows up in the suggestion list sorted among the other CSS suggestions.

Using Tab for Emmet expansions

If you want to use the Tab key for expanding the Emmet abbreviations, add the following setting:

This setting allows using the Tab key for indentation when text is not an Emmet abbreviation.

Emmet when quickSuggestions are disabled

If you have disabled the editor.quickSuggestionssetting, you won't see suggestions as you type. You can still trigger suggestions manually by pressing ⌃Space (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Space) and see the preview.

Disable Emmet in suggestions

If you don't want to see Emmet abbreviations in suggestions at all, then use the following setting:

You can still use the command Emmet: Expand Abbreviation to expand your abbreviations. You can also bind any keyboard shortcut to the command id editor.emmet.action.expandAbbreviation as well.

Emmet suggestion ordering

To ensure Emmet suggestions are always on top in the suggestion list, add the following settings:

Emmet abbreviations in other file types

To enable the Emmet abbreviation expansion in file types where it is not available by default, use the emmet.includeLanguages setting. Make sure to use language identifiers for both sides of the mapping.

For example:

Emmet has no knowledge of these new languages, and so there might be Emmet suggestions showing up in non HTML/CSS contexts. To avoid this, you can use the following setting.

Note: If you used emmet.syntaxProfiles previously to map new file types, from VS Code 1.15 onwards you should use the setting emmet.includeLanguages instead. emmet.syntaxProfiles is meant for customizing the final output only.

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Emmet with multi-cursors

You can use most of the Emmet actions with multi-cursors as well:

Include vendor prefixes

Prefix your CSS abbreviations with - to get all applicable vendor prefixes included in the expanded abbreviation.

Below are a few examples of how you can control which vendors get applied to which CSS property by updating the emmet.preferences setting:

  • Setting the preference to a comma separated list of CSS properties will ensure that the corresponding prefix gets added only to those CSS properties.
  • Setting the preference to an empty string will ensure that the corresponding prefix doesn't get added to any CSS property.
  • Setting the preference to null will ensure that the default CSS properties for each vendor as documented in Emmet Preferences get used.

Using filters

Filters are special post-processors that modify the expanded abbreviation before it is output to the editor. There are 2 ways to use filters; either globally through the emmet.syntaxProfiles setting or directly in the current abbreviation.

Below is an example of the first approach using the emmet.syntaxProfiles setting to apply the bem filter for all the abbreviations in HTML files:

To provide a filter for just the current abbreviation, append the filter to your abbreviation. For example, div#page|c will apply the comment filter to the div#page abbreviation.

BEM filter (bem)

If you use the Block Element Modifier (BEM) way of writing HTML, then bem filters are very handy for you to use. To learn more about how to use bem filters, read BEM filter in Emmet.

You can customize this filter by using the bem.elementSeparator and bem.modifierSeparator preferences as documented in Emmet Preferences.

Comment filter (c)

This filter adds comments around important tags. By default, 'important tags' are those tags with id and/or class attribute.

For example div>div#page>p.title+p|c will be expanded to:

You can customize this filter by using the filter.commentTrigger, filter.commentAfter and filter.commentBefore preferences as documented in Emmet Preferences.

The format for the filter.commentAfter preference is different in VS Code Emmet 2.0.

For example, instead of:

in VS Code, you would use a simpler:

Trim filter (t)

This filter is applicable only when providing abbreviations for the Emmet: Wrap Individual Lines with Abbreviation command. It removes line markers from wrapped lines.

Using custom Emmet snippets

Custom Emmet snippets need to be defined in a json file named snippets.json. The emmet.extensionsPath setting should have the path to the directory containing this file.

Below is an example for the contents of this snippets.json file.

Authoring of Custom Snippets in Emmet 2.0 via the snippets.json file differs from the old way of doing the same in a few ways:

TopicOld EmmetEmmet 2.0
Snippets vs AbbreviationsSupports both in 2 separate properties called snippets and abbreviationsThe 2 have been combined into a single property called snippets. See default HTML snippets and CSS snippets
CSS snippet namesCan contain :Do not use : when defining snippet names. It is used to separate property name and value when Emmet tries to fuzzy match the given abbreviation to one of the snippets.
CSS snippet valuesCan end with ;Do not add ; at end of snippet value. Emmet will add the trailing ; based on the file type (css/less/scss vs sass/stylus) or the emmet preference set for css.propertyEnd, sass.propertyEnd, stylus.propertyEnd
Cursor location${cursor} or | can be usedUse only textmate syntax like ${1} for tab stops and cursor locations

HTML Emmet snippets

HTML custom snippets are applicable to all other markup flavors like haml or pug. When snippet value is an abbreviation and not actual HTML, the appropriate transformations can be applied to get the right output as per the language type.

For example, for an unordered list with a list item, if your snippet value is ul>li, you can use the same snippet in html, haml, pug or slim, but if your snippet value is <ul><li></li></ul>, then it will work only in html files.

If you want a snippet for plain text, then surround the text with the {}.

CSS Emmet snippets

Values for CSS Emmet snippets should be a complete property name and value pair.

CSS custom snippets are applicable to all other stylesheet flavors like scss, less or sass. Therefore, don't include a trailing ; at the end of the snippet value. Emmet will add it as needed based on whether the language requires it.

Do not use : in the snippet name. : is used to separate property name and value when Emmet tries to fuzzy match the abbreviation to one of the snippets.

Note: After making changes to the snippets.json file, remember to reload VS Code for it to take effect.

Tab stops and cursors in custom snippets

The syntax for tab stops in custom Emmet snippets follows the Textmate snippets syntax.

  • Use ${1}, ${2} for tab stops and ${1:placeholder} for tab stops with placeholders.
  • Previously, | or ${cursor} was used to denote the cursor location in the custom Emmet snippet. This is no longer supported. Use ${1} instead.

Emmet configuration

Below are Emmet settings that you can use to customize your Emmet experience in VS Code.

  • emmet.includeLanguages

    Use this setting to add mapping between the language of your choice and one of the Emmet supported languages to enable Emmet in the former using the syntax of the latter. Make sure to use language ids for both sides of the mapping.

    For example:

  • emmet.excludeLanguages

    If there is a language where you do not want to see Emmet expansions, add it in this setting which takes an array of language id strings.

  • emmet.syntaxProfiles Path finder 8 3 9 module arduino.

    See Emmet Customization of output profile to learn how you can customize the output of your HTML abbreviations.

    For example:

  • emmet.variables

    Customize variables used by Emmet snippets.

    For example:

  • emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation

    Controls the Emmet suggestions that show up in the suggestion/completion list.

    Setting ValueDescription
    neverNever show Emmet abbreviations in the suggestion list for any language.
    inMarkupAndStylesheetFilesOnlyShow Emmet suggestions only for languages that are purely markup and stylesheet based ('html', 'pug', 'slim', 'haml', 'xml', 'xsl', 'css', 'scss', 'sass', 'less', 'stylus').
    alwaysShow Emmet suggestions in all Emmet supported modes as well as the languages that have a mapping in the emmet.includeLanguages setting.

    Note: In the always mode, the new Emmet implementation is not context aware. For example, if you are editing a JavaScript React file, you will get Emmet suggestions not only when writing markup but also while writing JavaScript.

  • emmet.showAbbreviationSuggestions

    Shows possible emmet abbreviations as suggestions. It is true by default.

    For example, when you type li, you get suggestions for all emmet snippets starting with li like link, link:css , link:favicon etc. This is helpful in learning Emmet snippets that you never knew existed unless you knew the Emmet cheatsheet by heart.

    Not applicable in stylesheets or when emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation is set to never.

  • emmet.extensionsPath

    Provide the location of the directory that houses the snippets.json file which in turn has your custom snippets.

  • emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab

    Set this to true to enable expanding Emmet abbreviations with Tab key. We use this setting to provide the appropriate fallback to provide indentation when there is no abbreviation to expand.

  • emmet.showSuggestionsAsSnippets

    If set to true, then Emmet suggestions will be grouped along with other snippets allowing you to order them as per editor.snippetSuggestions setting. Set this to true and editor.snippetSuggestions to top, to ensure that Emmet suggestions always show up on top among other suggestions.

  • emmet.preferences

    You can use this setting to customize Emmet as documented in Emmet Preferences. The below customizations are currently supported:

    • css.propertyEnd
    • css.valueSeparator
    • sass.propertyEnd
    • sass.valueSeparator
    • stylus.propertyEnd
    • stylus.valueSeparator
    • css.unitAliases
    • css.intUnit
    • css.floatUnit
    • bem.elementSeparator
    • bem.modifierSeparator
    • filter.commentBefore
    • filter.commentTrigger
    • filter.commentAfter
    • format.noIndentTags
    • format.forceIndentationForTags
    • profile.allowCompactBoolean,
    • css.webkitProperties
    • css.mozProperties
    • css.msProperties
    • css.oProperties
    • css.fuzzySearchMinScore

    The format for the filter.commentAfter preference is different and simpler in Emmet 2.0.

    For example, instead of the older format

    you would use

    If you want support for any of the other preferences as documented in Emmet Preferences, please log a feature request.

Next steps

Emmet is just one of the great web developer features in VS Code. Read on to find out about:

  • HTML - VS Code supports HTML with IntelliSense, closing tags, and formatting.
  • CSS - We offer rich support for CSS, SCSS and Less.

Common questions

Custom tags do not get expanded in the suggestion list

Custom tags when used in an expression like MyTag>YourTag or MyTag.someclass do show up in the suggestion list. But when these are used on their own like MyTag, they do not appear in the suggestion list. This is designed so to avoid noise in the suggestion list as every word is a potential custom tag.

Add the following setting to enable expanding of Emmet abbreviations using tab which will expand custom tags in all cases.

My HTML snippets ending with + do not work?


HTML snippets ending with + like select+ and ul+ from the Emmet cheatsheet are not supported. This is a known issue in Emmet 2.0 Issue: emmetio/html-matcher#1. Workaround is to create your own custom Emmet snippets for such scenarios.

Where can I set all the preferences as documented in Emmet preferences

You can set the preferences using the setting emmet.preferences. Only a subset of the preferences that are documented in Emmet preferences can be customized. Please read the preferences section under Emmet configuration.

Any tips and tricks?

Of course!

  • In CSS abbreviations, when you use :, the left part is used to fuzzy match with the CSS property name and the right part is used to match with CSS property value. Take full advantage of this by using abbreviations like pos:f, trf:rx, fw:b, etc.
  • Use the new command Emmet: Wrap Individual Lines with Abbreviation instead of Emmet: Wrap with Abbreviation when you want each selected line to be wrapped by a repeater in the given abbreviation. For example, use ul>li* to wrap selected lines in an unordered list with each line as a list item.
  • Explore all other Emmet features as documented in Emmet Actions.
  • Don't hesitate to create your own custom Emmet snippets.

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
MACMedia Access Control
MACMacintosh (slang for Apple computer)
MACMandatory Access Control
MACMedium Access Control
MACMid-American Conference
MACMultiple Access
MACMessage Authentication Code
MACMedia Access Controller
MACMPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) Audio Collection
MACMacro (File Name Extension)
MACMedicare Administrative Contractor
MACMid-Atlantic Center for the Arts (tours & events; Cape May, NJ)
MACMacau (ISO Country code)
MACMacedonian (linguistics)
MACMainland Affairs Council (Taiwan)
MACMacomb (Amtrak station code; Macomb, IL)
MACMetropolitan Airports Commission
MACMilitary Affairs Council
MACMilk and Cookies
MACMark McGwire (baseball player)
MACMusical Arts Center
MACManagement Advisory Committee
MACMake-Up Art Cosmetics, Inc
MACMaximum Allowable Cost
MACMountain Athletic Conference (Pennsylvania high school athletics)
MACMunicipal Advisory Council
MACMining Association of Canada (l'Association Minière du Canada)
MACMcMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)
MACMycobacterium Avium Complex (medicine)
MACMoves, Adds, and Changes
MACMarine Aquarium Council
MACMacPaint (File Name Extension)
MACMembrane Attack Complex
MACMobile Adult Content (conference)
MACMedia, Arts and Culture
MACMarubeni America Corporation (Marubeni Corporation)
MACMilwaukee Athletic Club (Milwaukee, WI)
MACMaterial Adverse Change
MACMedia Air Cleaner
MACMineral Area College (Park Hills, MO)
MACMartial Arts Club (various organizations)
MACMount Aloysius College (Cresson, PA)
MACModal Assurance Criterion
MACManaged Account (finance)
MACMarketing Association of Columbia (Columbia University; New York)
MACMonetary Affairs Committee (East African Community)
MACMultnomah Arts Center (Portland, OR)
MACMaster of Accountancy
MACMultnomah Athletic Club (Portland, OR)
MACMilitary Airlift Command (US Air Force)
MACMinimum Alveolar Concentration (measure of potency for anesthetics)
MACMass Attenuation Coefficient
MACMorgan Advanced Ceramics (Morgan Crucible Company; UK)
MACMonitored Anesthesia Care
MACMathematics and Computation (MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab project)
MACModel Aircraft Club (various locations)
MACMicrosoft Approved Course
MACManagement Adhoc Committee
MACMultiple Analogue Component
MACMultiple Advanced Computers
MACMultiply Accumulate
MACMulti Access Computer
MACMouse Activated Computer
MACMembership Advisory Committee
MACMemory Access Control
MACMachine Access Code
MACMid-America Council (Boy Scouts of America; various locations)
MACMid-Atlantic Conference (various organizations)
MACMissouri Arts Council (St Louis, MO)
MACMaster of Arts in Counseling
MACMarine Amphibious Corps (est. 1942)
MACMedium Access Controller
MACMemory Access Controller
MACMigration Authorisation Code (UK DSL)
MACMineralogical Association of Canada (Association Minéralogique du Canada)
MACMaximum Allowable Concentration
MACMain Automation Contractor
MACMid-America Chapter (various organizations)
MACMunicipal Athletic Complex (various locations)
MACMove, Add, Change
MACMaximum Acceptable Concentration
MACMilitary Assistance Command
MACMedical Associates Clinic (various locations)
MACModel Articulation Controller
MACMildura Arts Centre (Australia)
MACMunich Airport Center
MACManagement Advisory Council (FAA)
MACMarginal Abatement Cost (curve; metric of costs of complying with Kyoto Protocol for reducing greenhouse gases)
MACManufacturing Assistance Center (various locations)
MACMacConkey Agar (microbiological media)
MACMarket Access and Compliance (US Department of Commerce)
MACMorrisville Auxiliary Corporation (Morrsiville State College; Morrisville, NY)
MACMid-America Conference
MACMaryland Athletic Club
MACMulti Activity Court (various locations)
MACMotor Ambulance Convoy
MACMedical Advisory Council
MACMultiple Award Contracts
MACMunicipal Assistance Corporation (New York City)
MACMean Aerodynamic Chord
MACMichigan Association of Counties
MACMembership Advisory Council (various organizations)
MACMulti-Agency Coordinating (various organizations)
MACMidwest Archives Conference
MACMethanosarcina Acetivorans
MACManhattan Association of Cabarets and Clubs
MACMine Action Center
MACMulti Asset Class (Oberon Financial Technology, Inc.)
MACMid-Atlantic Championship
MACMaximum Allowable Charge
MACMaintenance Allocation Chart
MACMemory and Aging Center
MACMid-Atlantic Crossing
MACMobile Air Conditioner
MACMagnetic Accelerator Cannon (Babylon 6)
MACMooney Airplane Company (Texas)
MACMines Action Canada
MACMilitary Armament Corporation (produced Mac 10&11 SMGs)
MACMichigan Administrative Code
MACMitral Annular Calcification (echogardiography)
MACAtlantic Mackerel (FAO fish species code)
MACMaintaining Active Citizens (elderly care; various locations)
MACMachine Aided Cognition
MACManitoba Arts Council
MACMinnesota Annual Conference
MACMulticultural Advisory Committee
MACMusic Appreciation Club (various locations)
MACMethodist Annual Conference
MACMilitary Aircraft Command
MACMembers Advisory Committee (various organizations)
MACMulti Agency Committee (various locations)
MACMexican-American Commission
MACMidwest Airlines Center (now Frontier Airlines Center; Milwaukee, WI)
MACMaster Addictions Counselor
MACMid America Corvette (company)
MACMultiplexed Analogue Components
MACMedical Alumni Council (various schools)
MACManagement Access Conference (annual conference)
MACMuslim Association of Canada (Ottawa, Canada)
MACMonitoring Advisory Committee (various locations)
MACMaintaining Arc Consistency (constraint programming AI research)
MACMary Andrews College (Australia)
MACMichigan Apple Committee
MACMontgomery Aquatic Center (Rockville, MD)
MACMidtown Athletic Club (various locations)
MACMarketing Advisory Committee
MACMachine Address Code
MACMission Assurance Category
MACMassachusetts Animal Coalition
MACManagement Accounting Committee (various organizations)
MACMonths After Contract
MACManufacturing Alliance of Connecticut
MACMid-Arm Muscle Circumference
MACMapping and Analysis Center (FEMA)
MACMaintenance Advisory Committee (various organizations)
MACMinnesota Autosports Club (est. 1970)
MACMetropolitan Arts Commission
MACMinistry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
MACMonitoring and Analysis Coordinator (US FEMA)
MACMoore Action Collectibles (toy company)
MACMikuni American Corporation (Northridge, CA)
MACMichigan Aerospace Corporation (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
MACMonitored Anaesthesia Care
MACMine-Awareness Campaign
MACMothers Against Canada (South Park)
MACMoney Access Center
MACMaximum Amount Contributable (US IRS)
MACMicrobiota-Accessible Carbohydrate (biological molecules)
MACMothers Against Circumcision
MACMississippi Association of Cooperatives
MACMulti Axis Controller
MACMinister’s Approval Certificate (UK)
MACMultipole Acoustic Log (energy production)
MACMixed Armistice Commission
MACMultiservice Access Concentrator (ADC Kentrox)
MACMinimum Annual Commitment
MACMasonry Advisory Council
MACMessage Authenticity Check
MACMobility Augmentation Company (US Army)
MACMidwest CHP Application Center
MACMediterranean Air Command (WWII)
MACMidwest Adoption Center (Des Plaines, IL)
MACManingrida Arts and Culture (Aboriginal arts organisation; Maningrida, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory)
MACMaking Arizona Competitive
MACManagement and Administrative Computing
MACMunitions Assembly Conveyor
MACMa’aden Aluminum Company (Ras Az Zawr, Saudi Arabia)
MACMouse Activated Computer (suggested acronym for Apple Macintosh computer)
MACMultiple-Access Computing
MACMaine Athletic Conference
MACMaster of Art Conservation
MACMaintenance Action Code
MACManchester Athletic Club (Manchester, MA)
MACMultipurpose Activity Center
MACMultiple Analog Component
MACMississauga Arts Council
MACMitigation Assistance Clinic (US FEMA)
MACMobile Action Command (1970s Matchbox Division)
MACMid-Atlantic Collegiate (umpires)
MACMultiple Access Communications Limited
MACMobile Attenuation Code (cellular term)
MACMedical Assistance for Children (various organizations)
MACMovimento Anti-Comunista (Portuguese: Anti-Communist Movement)
MACMean Alveolar Concentration (anesthesiology)
MACMulticultural Awareness Council
MACMuseu da Arte Contemporânea (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
MACMedical Affirmative Claims
MACMean Aerodynamic Center
MACMobility Augmentation Company
MACMission Assignment Coordinator
MACManeuver Area Command
MACMulti Access Controller
MACMultiphase Atmospheric Chemistry
MACMedicaid Authorization Card
MACMulti Aircraft Control (aviation technology)
MACMontana Agricultural College
MACMicromechanics Analysis Code (US NASA software)
MACMiddle America Cox (Cox-Internet)
MACMessage Authentication Control
MACMass Accelerator Cannon (gaming, Halo weaponry)
MACMaintenance Administration Center
MACMultiplying Accumulator
MACMultiplier Accumulator Chip
MACMunicipal Amateur Coordinator
MACMagazine Association of Canada
MACManufacturing Advisory Center
MACManagement Ad Hoc Committee
MACMajor Ambulatory Category
MACMinimal Antibiotic Concentration
MACMultifiber Array Connector
MACMulti-Agency Coordinating Entity
MACMakiling Airsoft Club (Philippines)
MACMajor Area Commander
MACMultiple Architecture Computer (Hewlett-Packard)
MACManagement Action Center
MACMateriel Acquisition Command
MACMaterial Accumulation Costing
MACMaterial Accountability and Control
MACMechanized Assignment and Control
MACMultiple Access Contract
MACMaritime Area Commander
MACMulti-Sensor Air Campaign
MACManitoba Action Centre (Leaf Rapids, Manitoba, Canada)
MACMeasurement and Analysis Center
MACMaintenance Availability Computer
MACChief Machine Accountant (naval rating)
MACMaterial Accounting Center
MACMagnetic Anomaly Concealment
MACMoselle Alpine Club (French automobile club; Moselle, France)
MACMaximum Adjacent Cut (locksmithing)
MACMontessori Australia Council (Queensland, Australia)
MACMetal Anneal Chamber
MACMobile Attack Cuisine (Fighting Foodons)
MACMultiple Array Correlation
MACModern Arab Contractors
MACModular Amplification Card
MACMortuary Affairs Coordinator
MACMilestone Achievement Certificate (UK)
MACMainland Aviation College (New Zealand)
MACMulti-Static Active Coherent (US Navy)
MACMen's Advisory Counsel/Committee (prisons)
MACMIUW Attack Craft
MACMustang Athletic Complex
MACMagnetometer Alignment Coil
MACManually Activated Call point (fire protection systems)
MACMinneola Alliance Church (Minneola, FL)
MACMaximum Asset Capability (economics)
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The original text expander for Mac.

Try the app that expands your shorthand abbreviations on-the-fly. Make it yours forever for a one-time fee of $19.99 / 19,99€ / £19.99. No subscription. No account. No hassle.

The original text expander for Mac.

Try the app that expands your shorthand abbreviations on-the-fly. Make it yours forever for a one-time fee of $19.99 / 19,99€ / £19.99. No subscription. No account. No hassle.

Save time and effort. Type more with fewer keystrokes.

The very first text expander made for Mac, TypeIt4Me speeds up your typing by instantly replacing short abbreviations with longer snippets of text and / or pictures as you go along. Once the app is installed and launched, leave it running quietly in the background to help you type more quickly and accurately, with less wear on your fingertips.

Create shortcuts that expand to longer words, phrases or pictures.

Find yourself typing the same things over and over? Build up a set of abbreviations and the full text / image ‘snippets’ that they represent. TypeIt4Me will save you time and keystrokes by automatically expanding them while you continue typing. This works systemwide, in almost any app in which you can type.

Things TypeIt4Me can help you knock out more quickly include:

People’s names, email addresses and other contact details

Freddie Mac Abbreviation

Commonly repeated phrases (tgn –> That’s great news! etc)
Boilerplate texts (e.g. standard legal contract clauses)

Abbreviate Words Tool

All your most frequently used phrases, boilerplate texts and pictures. Just a couple of taps away.

Mac Abbreviation Medical Coding

As well as expanding abbreviations you type, TypeIt4Me offers a handy point-and-click option. If you ever forget what abbreviation you assigned to a particular snippet, or even if you simply don’t feel like typing it, just scroll through the TypeIt4Me menu list and click it. The snippet contents will be inserted wherever the cursor is in whatever app you’re using.